Teaching and Learning Programmes and Materials

This page contains a selection of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) that can be used directly by teachers in their classrooms…and beyond…and well as by Teacher Trainers in their institutions…and beyond. We will add to these materials over time, but we hope this initial collection will encourage you to adopt a practical, equitable and thought-provoking approach to…

Assessment and Examination. Research and Evaluation.

Our Development Division. Assessment and Examinations. Research and Evaluation. At the Curriculum Foundation, we have been working for more than a decade to design assessments that help advance quality and equity in education worldwide. Professor Mark Zelman leads our Examinations and Assessment division in partnership with Dr Andrew Joyce-Gibbons who leads our Research and Evaluation…

Student Voice in Curriculum Design and Evaluation – International Perspectives

We are delighted to be facilitating a discussion around the value of Student Voice in Emergency Contexts with a particular focus on curriculum design and evaluation. We will explore strategies and share examples of ‘Student Voice in Action’. Monday 16th May 2022. 13:00-14:00 UTC+1 (London) Register here: https://rescue.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kcemgqT0pE9ZEva1DW_Hw25R31wRwC4Rs This discussion is part of a series…